Thursday, June 9, 2011

now what...

Welcome to my new emma loo blog! I hope you enjoy it! I hate to change on everyone so last minute, but I just had to...I couldn't take the old blog anymore. It got too boring!  

So for now, this will have to do! Thanks for being such great friends, inspirations, followers.  I really do appreciate it!

School is over, and summer is finally getting started! So, what now?  Freedom is right around the corner and I am doing nothing but taking full advantage of it!  Summer gives me a chance to be wild, adventurous and finally get a chance to take care of anything I want to do! I get to read, work on art projects, find new locations for photo sessions, work on more emma loo stuff, and oh so much more!  Summertime is finally here, and I can't to spend the rest of the summer doing everything that I love.

Also, I'm hoping that J {my one & only} will pop the question this summer. You know? The most important question...ever.  There's not a morning that I wake up or a night that I go to sleep that I don't wish that I was his wife & one of these days I will be & I can't wait! 
So as for now, I keep doing my bottle cap window art, painting until my little heart just can't take it any more, and keep sippin' on that lemonade {& heck, why not a little bit of Firefly vodka thrown in there?!} and enjoy the sweet, sweet sunshine from summertime.  

hope everyone is kickin' off summer with a splash! make this summer filled with {bliss}. 
much love. 

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