Monday, June 13, 2011

Morgan Anne

I am absolutely THRILLED that I got to take one of my best friends photos the other day! Morgan is truly beautiful inside & out, and I'm so happy with all of the photos! We met on some grey-ish looking afternoon and I was concered that it was going to start pouring down rain the minute we started our session! But luckily, the rain held out until AFTER our session! {thank goodness!} Such a fun time, and great pictures! But goodness, this girl has more clothes than she knows what to do with! It was harder than it looks picking out these three outfits for the session! {Believe me!}

{oh, and by the way! The cool looking orange chair...I found it on the side of the road. I think it's AWESOME!}

Friday, June 10, 2011

I'd rather be ringing.

I'm so super excited to share with you such a cool and amazing event that I had the honor of photographing the other day! SO, have you ever been to a handbell concert?  I know, I doesn't sound like something you'd want to put on the TOP of your "to-do" list...but believe me...I was amazed!
The other day, Theresa {a regular of mine at Hawthorne's} asked me if I would be available to photograph her handbell group "Curtain Warmer Concert".  I thought, why not? It can be fun, right?  Well sure enough, I arrive at St. Luke's off of Park Rd. {which is in the city, for this country girl!} and I was BLOWN away at how beautiful the handbells were! Each song gave me goosebumps & I was so inspired by the sound! I couldn't believe that such small {ok, and some large} instruments were making such amazing sounds! So thank you Theresa!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

now what...

Welcome to my new emma loo blog! I hope you enjoy it! I hate to change on everyone so last minute, but I just had to...I couldn't take the old blog anymore. It got too boring!  

So for now, this will have to do! Thanks for being such great friends, inspirations, followers.  I really do appreciate it!

School is over, and summer is finally getting started! So, what now?  Freedom is right around the corner and I am doing nothing but taking full advantage of it!  Summer gives me a chance to be wild, adventurous and finally get a chance to take care of anything I want to do! I get to read, work on art projects, find new locations for photo sessions, work on more emma loo stuff, and oh so much more!  Summertime is finally here, and I can't to spend the rest of the summer doing everything that I love.

Also, I'm hoping that J {my one & only} will pop the question this summer. You know? The most important question...ever.  There's not a morning that I wake up or a night that I go to sleep that I don't wish that I was his wife & one of these days I will be & I can't wait! 
So as for now, I keep doing my bottle cap window art, painting until my little heart just can't take it any more, and keep sippin' on that lemonade {& heck, why not a little bit of Firefly vodka thrown in there?!} and enjoy the sweet, sweet sunshine from summertime.  

hope everyone is kickin' off summer with a splash! make this summer filled with {bliss}. 
much love. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

a new beginning...

ever get that feeling when you wake up in the morning like "I'm going to be very productive today!" kind of attitude?  Well, that's how I feel about so much in my life right now & I figured that I needed to start somewhere!  so here we go...
this is the very first post on the new blog site. {yes, that's right-I said "new blog site"} 
I've decided that I needed to start up a better brand with my blog, because errrrr, let's just say that the other one and I wasn't working out.

hopefully this will be a perfect fit, I'll learn the site a lot better, and you'll have a pretty sweet blog to read, look at, and go through!

I hope your going to love reading through it just as much as I love writing and posting some of my recent work to it!  
